Thursday, January 15, 2015

First Week in France: My First Post!

Traveling: MSP-->CDG-->PUF

First Day:(Le premier jour) Jeudi, 8 Janvier 2015

Upon arriving to Paris (CDG) my flight duration was 8 long hours+ 2 additional hours on the plane because of mechanical problems. I was suppose to leave MSP at 5:20, but we ended up departing at 7 PM. I was tired, hungry, and nauseous. Luckily, I booked my flight with a 4 hour layover in Paris to Pau, which turned out to be a 2 hour layover because of the delay so I was safe on that behalf. Phew! Landing in Paris gave me an overwhelming feeling that I can do anything. I have always wanted to travel internationally by myself, but was afraid of the unknown. How do I know that I'll find my gate, what happens if I miss my flight, will someone try to steal my luggage? Many questions ran through my mind, but I was able to think quick and navigate myself to where I needed to be and find my flight to Pau.
Here is how my first day went:
1. Landed in Pau--could not speak a single word that a French person could understand. My speaking ability was terrible.
2. Was able to get a taxi and luckily, the taxi driver knew a little English.
3. Arrived to my university and did not know where the heck I was while carrying my super heavy backpack and luggage. The door system in Pau is extremely weird, aka "Poussez" & "Tirez" and not consistent at every building. Ugh.
4. Finally found Alexandrine. International office. She barely spoke English and I barely spoke French, but hey, we were able to communicate enough to where she was able to take me to my apartment!
5. Arrived to my apartment and met my landlord.
6. Alexandrine left me and I was left alone in my place to settle in so I can get up early at 9h00 to take my placement exam.
7. I cried. I cried. I cried. I questioned my ability to make through this journey. I couldn't speak the language. I didn't know where I was at & I didn't know what I was doing. I couldn't get the wifi to work, and all I wanted to do was call my family and Austin to tell them I was okay. It was the worst night ever. To top it all off, my heater wasn't working nor my hot water. I had one blanket and my neck pillow to sleep on. Terrible, terrible.

Second Day: (le deuxième jour) Vendredi, 9 Janvier 2015

After settling in my new studio apartment in Pau, I was curious about the area that I was living in. I woke up feeling scared, nervous, and extremely homesick. To be completely honest, I was questioning why I was in even in Pau and that I just wanted to go back home. I was out of my comfort zone that made me feel vulnerable. Alexandrine offered to pick me up and to take me to the University to take my placement exam. Thank goodness. I had absolutely no idea on where I was at and even how to get to the University.

2nd day:
1. While taking the placement exam, I was extremely mad at myself that I couldn't remember any of my French. The writing section was extremely pathetic for me. I was able to write 3 sentences about myself when I was able to creep on the next student's writing section and they were able to fill an entire page. At this point, I didn't give two F**'s on what level I would be placed in. The levels were grouped by A, B, C etc... J being the most advanced. (To get the credits that I need for a french minor, I'm suppose to be placed in at least a B.)
2. Made friends from USAC :-)

Third Day: (Le troisième jour) Samedi, 10 Janvier 2015
I found the equivalent dollar store here in Pau! The store is called 2 euros! The day was cloudy and rainy, but there was something beautiful about it. Starting to feel better about Pau and didn't cry as much. I was able to go to the store and buy some food and understand the bus system.

Fourth Day: (Le quatrième jour) Dimanche 11 Janvier 2015
#JesuisCharlie. A memorable event. I was able to be a part of something truly beautiful. I was able to partake in their march downtown for #jesuischarlie

Fifth Day: Lundi 12 Janvier 2015
Got my first French phone! Extremely ghetto and a Nokia.

Sixth Day: Mardi 13 Janvier 2015
Got harassed by a crazy French woman at L.Elerc. She was asking for money, but I ended up ignoring her and she chased me down and started yelling that I stole stuff from the store. Luckily, the security guard didn't believe her and let me go on my way. I almost pooped myself in that situation.

Seventh Day: Mercredi 14 Janvier 2015
The beans have been spilled. So during my stay in Pau, I had been following the USAC students around because their advisor speaks English and was able to provide them information on how to be successful in Pau and the university. Well, USAC students had a tour at 10h00 that day to learn about the history of Pau and invited me to join them, in which, I did. We got off the bus downtown and the USAC director wanted to take group photo of the students and I went up to her and was like, "oh do you want me to take your photo? I'm not part of USAC" *DOOOOH!* Shouldn't have said anything because she said I shouldn't be on the tour and that it was only meant for USAC students, but she let me stay anyways. Whoopsie. I guess I am too honest.
The day that I find out my class schedule. I got into B! Woot! Celebrated with friends :-)

Voici quelques photos:

Travel Tips:
*You will get lost, and it will be okay! That is the beauty of it! Stay calm because there will be someone to help you. However, be aware of your situation and try to find an area where there is a lot of people that you are able to seek reliable help. Don't just talk to random strangers, try to find a business at least that may help you.
*When booking your flight, take a look your layovers and the amount of time. Planes always try to be on time, but when traveling internationally, you never know what can happen (mechanical problems, etc). If its an hour layover, I would suggest seeing if theres something else because if your plane arrives late and you have a connecting flight, you want that extra time to find your terminal and gate, especially if its in a country that you are unfamiliar with and the language. When I booked my flight, I had a four hour layover in Paris to Pau, which ended up being only 2 hours because my flight arrived late to Paris. The extra time helped me find my way and ask questions without feeling rushed or scared that I will miss my flight.
*Practice basic sentences that will help you in the country that you are staying/traveling in
*Open a Charles Schwab banking account. They are the BEST FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL. All ATM fees are reimbursed and no foreign exchange costs.
*Have your phone unlocked, and if you plan on staying in a foreign country for a longer period of time, just buy a pre-paid phone with a sim card.

What to pack:
*An adaptor for your electronic goods
*Bring a folder with emergency information of the country you will be in! It's always good to have things handy with you don't have access to internet or wifi
*A mini-pocket dictionary
*Contacts, basic essentials

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